Sunday, April 26, 2015

3D Decoupage

During a recent weekend visit to An Grianán, the class in 3D decoupage caught my eye and I decided to try it.

3D decoupage involves creating a 3D image using silicone and cutouts from multiple copies of the same image. The cutouts are layered over the image to create dimension and depth, and the finished picture is then varnished to give it a porcelain appearance.

Here is how I got on....
I was a beginner so I chose a simple design, but there was a multitude of images available to choose from to suit all experience levels. The images below are some of the work from my classmates.
3D decoupage is a wonderful craft to have under your belt because it can be used in many different ways, such as scrap booking, card making and framed works.

For more information on 3D decoupage, contact An Grianán at or 041 9822119. The ICA at or 01 6680002

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cheese Custard Pie

The ICA website contains some wonderful crafts and recipes from as early as the 50s. One that caught my eye this weekend was the Cheese Custard Pie from 1965. Cheese custard pie is now popular known as the quiche, and if you’re looking for an easy and adaptable recipe to have under your belt, this is the one for you.

Here's how i got on.....

What's great about the quiche is that it can be adapted to suit what’s in your fridge and press being as simple as just cheddar or as refined as caramelised onion and camembert. Certainly worth a try!

For more information contact the ICA at or 01 6680002

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Feeling stressed or anxious is part of day to day life and can stop us from completing even the smallest tasks. Recently Mindfulness has come to the forefront as a simple and easy way to tackle the things that bring us down. It’s free and can be done wherever you are, you just need your mind! The aim of Mindfulness is to make us more positive and happy and therefore can help us make the most of our days.

Mindfulness is being aware in the present moment and accepting thoughts and feelings without placing judgment on yourself or others. It involves the use of a collection of tactics from a multitude of disciplines within psychology, therapy, counselling and even Buddhism.

Worldwide studies have found that it can be a successful tool in the reduction of stress, anxiety and in increasing positive thinking.

There are three key concepts behind mindfulness, Awareness of feelings, Non-Judgement of yourself or others and Living in the present not worrying about the past or future.

For more information about Mindfulness class's contact An Grianán at or 041 9822119.  ICA at or 01 6680002

Friday, April 3, 2015

Simnel Cake

Taking inspiration from the ICA’s craft and cooking page on their website. I decided to make a simnel cake. This recipe can also be found in the ICA’s book of tea and company.

A Simnel cake is a light fruit cake with a layer of almond paste in the center and on top. The cake is also topped with 12 almond balls to symbolize Jesus and his apostles minus Judas. Traditionally it was given as a gift to mothers by their daughters on mothering Sunday.

Heres how I got on…

 For more information on eater crafts contact the ICA or 01 6680002